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The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make In Jiu Jitsu

The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make In Jiu Jitsu

January 17, 20248 min read

“We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.” – Ray Bradbury


There are two types of students in Jiu Jitsu: The Purposeful and the Insincere.

The Purposeful attends to the moment, has a plan, and uses the experiences of each day to inform their understanding of the craft. They are sincere. They are focused. They stretch their limits.

The Insincere goes with the flow. They show up and put in their time. With a laissez faire relationship to training, they go through the motions. This is grounded in the belief that mat time equals progress.

To the untrained eye, these students look the same. They both show up to class on time. They are consistent in their training. They both “train hard”.

But only one of them is training.

The Purposeful Comes in with a purpose, committed to resolving a problem or sharpening a skill, and creates rapid development. He has a systematic approach of calculated action that provides consistent and forecastable results.

The purposeful trains. The Insincere exercises.

The Insincere moves and sweats. He still experiences great struggle. But it’s not aimed at anything, and therefore, he doesn’t become much.


The Zone of Optimal Development

jiu jitsu, growth, progress, development

The Purposeful lives in the zone of optimal development. He knows this is where growth is found. It’s about mat time WITHIN this zone. The longer he can experience this state of tension, the more skilled he becomes.

The Purposeful adopts the responsibility to engage in optimal resistance, voluntarily choosing aspects of Jiu Jitsu that elicit growth.

He does not beat a dead horse using the skills he has already mastered. That’s too easy. He does not try flying-berimbolo-karate chops he saw on TikTok. That’s too hard (and unnecessary).

He trains the skills that lie within the zone of optimal development. The Insincere rarely experiences this zone.

The Insincere sticks to what works. The over-reliance on tools that led to past successes that impedes future success.  The Insincere is the student who clings to that cherished technique that was his “go to” three years ago and that remains the case today. He has mastered the knife and continually brings it to the gunfight.


The Insincere tries whatever techniques the Instagram algorithm picks up. Dabbling in difference aspects of Jiu Jitsu with no cohesion between them.

Deep vs. Shallow

The Purposeful goes deep. He explores the nuanced aspects of a particular domain of the craft. He seeks to understand the counter to the counter to the counter.

He entrenches himself into a single area of focus and lives there. Exploring and collecting information. Fine tuning and stress testing his findings. The purposeful pursues nuance in the depths of their chosen domain.

The Insincere likes shallow. He accepts superficial understanding as absolutes. He stays on the surface of things where its comfortable.

“The disease of our times is that we live on the surface. We're like the Platte River, a mile wide and an inch deep.” – Steven Pressfield


The Levels of Jiu Jitsu

Hear me out.

There are 5 belts in Jiu Jitsu. Let’s assume this represents 5 levels of skill. You can assign one of these levels to every technique you know.

You have some skills that can work on black belts: that’s a Level 5 skill. You have some skills that only work on white belts: that’s a level 1 skill.

Due to the infinite nature of Jiu Jitsu, we will always have Level 1 skills. The trick is having the humility to use them.

Every Moment In Jiu Jitsu Should be Difficult

The Insincere will develop some Level 4 or Level 5 skillsets. But he will cling to them. He will use them with Level 1 students. Which means, he will not experience the friction that growth requires and is essentially wasting his time.

The Insincere will do this for years. Maybe it’s intellectual laziness or limitation, maybe its ego and pride. The source of the limitations may vary, but the effect will be the same: a lack of progress.

The Purposeful honors the levels. The Purposeful uses Level 5 skillsets with Level 5 training partners. He uses Level 1 skillsets with Level 1 training partners. And this is how he stays in that zone of optimal development. 

He is perpetually stretched because he is the one doing the stretching.

Growth Comes From Friction

Growth over time is simply the volume of friction positively engaged with.

The Purposeful loves friction. Seeks it out. Worships it. The Insincere avoids friction.

The Purposeful understands that this friction is the source of growth, and therefore, seeks failure. He understands that missing the mark in a roll is hitting the mark long-term because he is stretching his capacity. He is walking that fine edge between order and chaos and by default, stumbles in chaos often.

The Insincere clings to order, to what they know. And when they experience the discomfort, the honesty, the awareness of the shortcoming that failure provides, he turns away. He makes excuses. He goes back to what he is good at.

Because he thinks friction is “bad” or a reflection of his worth.

The Purposeful labels the same pain as growth, as progress. He experiences the same failings but none of the frustration. Because he understands that this is the path forward.


How to Get Really Freaking Good at Jiu Jitsu

When you engage in live training, use skillsets that are equal to or lesser than the level of your teammate. Do this for a decade and you will become a world-class black belt.

Use Level 5 skills with Level 5 teammates. Use Level 1 skills with Level 1 teammates.

This is how blackbelts get better training with white belts.

You’re a Level 1 teammate with practically zero skills? Cool, I will work on a guard I suck at, on my bad hip, focusing on one specific concept I never use, I’ll give myself a tight deadline to achieve success, and if all else fails, I’ll tell you exactly what I’m doing.

…and use one arm.

Boom! The Level 5 Blackbelt practices a Level 1 skillset and achieves optimal resistance that his growth requires.

What This Means Long Term

In the day-to-day trenches, The Purposeful and The Insincere look the same. They both train hard. They both are consistent. They both practice Jiu Jitsu.

But on a long enough timeline, a chasm emerges. The twin camps of The Purposeful and the Insincere become the twin camps of the World-Class black belts and the Bad Black belts.

And here’s the big crescendo moment!:

This is entirely up to the student. The instructor has no say in the matter.

Take my academy for example.

The advanced class each day is really two classes. The first class is the instruction period. That’s my class. The one I teach and the curriculum I provide. The second class is the live training portion. That’s the student’s class. The one they teach and the curriculum they provide.

As the instructor, all I can do is provide the tools during instruction, strategies for implementation, and the awareness of these ideas. The student decides to sink or swim with them.

“Opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated.” – Jordan Peterson



I opened this article with a quote from Ray Bradbury:

“We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.” – Ray Bradbury

 The Purposeful live in that zone of optimal development. This is how they are filled to the brim. This is how they tip themselves over. This is how they let the beautiful stuff out.

I am obsessed with constant improvement. None of us can fathom what our potential is. What could we become if we lived in this zone of optimal development for decades? What if we actually got 1% better every day?

We would manifest the divine.

I don’t think that is hyperbole. I think it’s real. We owe it to ourselves, and the people we serve, to find out.

I’ll be honest. I have not been fully transparent with you or my students. I have my motives. There is a trojan horse here, for sure. There are soldiers inside with clandestine intent!

It's not mastery of the craft that I want for you. That’s great, but it’s not the final stop on this beautiful ride of Jiu Jitsu. I want you to master yourself.

This cultivation of mastery has laws. Mastery of all must begin with mastery of one. We must venture far into one discipline so that we have the capacity to go far into all disciplines. For us, this first discipline is Jiu Jitsu.

And when we are successful, that mastery transcends the mat:

As a father.
As a mother.
As a husband.
As a wife.
As a son or daughter.
As a friend.
As a leader.
In our health.
In our work.
In our passions.


Are you ready to live in that zone of optimal development? Are you ready to join the camp of The Purposeful? I think you are.

Go then.

Train. Don’t exercise.
Cling to purpose. Don’t wander.
Seek friction. Don’t turn away.
Go deep. Not shallow.

The world is redeemed by The Purposeful. And so is your guard passing.

What a strange and beautiful life we inherit, that these two are so intertwined.


I’m giving a 100% FREE online workshop about achieving goals next Wednesday, January 24th at 7pm. You should come. Reserve your spot here:

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Chris Matakas

Chris Matakas is a Performance Coach, 15x author, BJJ Blackbelt, and is the Founder of Matakas Jiu Jitsu and Matakas Coaching

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Chris Matakas' Story

Chris Matakas is 2nd-degree BJJ blackbelt under Ricardo Almeida, founded the Matakas Jiu Jitsu Academy in 2017, and has published several best selling books about using Jiu Jitsu as a vehicle for personal development.

Due to an influx of readers reaching out for guidance during the global pandemic of 2020, Chris founded Matakas Coaching to help high achievers fulfill their potential off the mat, as well.

Chris is a Performance Coach to business owners, community leaders, and high net worth individuals. He loves the process of transformation and enjoys guiding sincere individuals to the achievement their goals.

He is a 15x author of books about personal transformation. He believes that the more we grow, the more we have to give, and that it is our moral responsibility to fulfill our potential so that we may contribute to those we serve.

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Matakas BJJ has been an amazing experience for my daughter. I can't say enough about this family-oriented academy and their dedicated coaches. If want your child to learn to defend themselves, go see for yourself and sit in on a class.



Mother of 8 year old in our Youth Program

Jane Doe

Chris is among the most knowledgeable and disciplined students that I’ve had the privilege to teach. His lessons and writings about the moral, mental, and spiritual aspect of training are nothing short of inspiring.


Ricardo Almeida

BJJ School Owner

Jane Doe

Here's What Our Clients Say About Their Results With Matakas Coaching

"Because of Chris, I now have so much clarity of purpose and a better understanding of my own internal drive."


Zach Thomas

Owner/Operator: Chic-Fil-A

"..His outlook on life and especially BJJ can benefit people of all walks of life."


Frankie Edgar

Former UFC Champion

"Chris was my saving ferryman who guided me across a sea of desperation to a beautiful path towards the light. He is a beautiful soul. Because of Chris I went from being completely lost to being highly confident that I could handle the difficult problem that was presented to me.


Bill C

Appellate Services

"Working with Chris has given me more clarity in my mission in life."


Tommy W

Small Business Owner

"Because of Chris, I now have so much clarity of purpose and a better understanding of my own internal drive."


Zach Thomas

Owner/Operator: Chic-Fil-A

"Chris was my saving ferryman who guided me across a sea of desperation to a beautiful path towards the light. He is a beautiful soul. Because of Chris I went from being completely lost to being highly confident that I could handle the difficult problem that was presented to me.


Bill C

Appellate Services

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These are the common questions we get from prospective students about our program

How do I know if a Performance Coach is right for me?

The most successful people – in all areas of life – have a coach. We need a mentor, a guide, someone who has been there before and can save us the pain of failing and wandering without progress toward a goal.

If you are sincere in your growth and have the resources for this type of relationship, this will accelerate your progress and improve the quality of your life. Guaranteed.

What does the coaching relationship entail?

Should you be selected for the program, you will begin with an introductory assessment in which Chris will take you through his “Big Four Assessment” to get a clear picture of your current status and what you would like to achieve.

After onboarding, Chris will give you your personal transformation roadmap and provide weekly support as you run the process and achieve your goal. You will connect with Chris for weekly zoom calls as well as having unlimited communication on a private channel.

How do I know it’s worth the investment?

We use a simple equation for this. Decide the value of achieving your goal. Put a financial number to it. “If I achieve “x” in the next 12 weeks, that would be worthy “y”.

If your goal is worth more than the investment for coaching, then it’s safe to say the investment is worth it!

What if I have more than one goal I want to achieve?

Great! Chris uses his “Big Four” methodology to assess the primary areas of your life and align on your needs/desires in what matters most.

Most clients have 1 or more areas of their lives they would like to improve. Together, you and Chris will create your transformation roadmap to achieve all these goals simultaneously.

What if I want to work with Chris beyond the 12-week agreement?

Most clients choose to continue working with Chris beyond their original agreement. Chris limits first-time clients to the initial 12-week program to ensure that we have a right fit before making a longer term coach-client relationship.

For those who are coachable and committed to progress, Chris happily continues the coaching relationship.

How do I know the program will work?

Between coaching, the books, and speaking, Chris has served thousands and thousands of people committed to personal development. Through years of experience, he has refined his coaching methodology to the essentials that create immediate results.

Chris’s Performance Coaching is highly effective in accelerating personal transformation.

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