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Can I let you in on a little secret? I think about death a lot.
Like… a lot. It’s become one of my primary frames, and I believe, has been one of the greatest contributors to my joy. I have a decades-long practice that I have never made public before.
Before spending time with a loved one, I imagine they are dying and that this is the last time I will see them. I lean into this, hard.
I’ve done this outside my parents’ front door every time I visit. I will do this before entering the super bowl party with friends this weekend. I will see and feel their death – because it will allow me to see and feel their presence.
I do this not because they are dying, but because I am. When? Not sure. But it’s coming, and I hold each day as that miracle, that defensible space, between myself and the inevitable.
We have a reminder to this effect on our living room wall:
I’m on the left, my wife is on the right. Each week we check off another box, forced to ask ourselves, “how did we use our time?”
What’s Essential?
I’ve recently found the works of Greg McKeown on Essentialism, learning the skill to “distinguish the vital few from the trivial many.”
Here’s some irony for you: when I subscribed to the Essentialism newsletter, someone hacked their system, subscribing me to thousands of other newsletters and completely obliterating my inbox with the nonessential. Cudos, you bastard, whoever you are.
I’m studying Essentialism in my constant quest to boil my life down to its simplest terms, to ensure I don’t miss this life. In this attempt, I have reduced my life’s complexity down to a single notecard, which sits on my desk:
To be fair, this is still too much. Having multiple priorities quickly becomes having no priority. But for the sake of my world today, in this season of life, this is sufficient.
This has become a very simple filter through which I assess my world. If a proposed event – a task, a phone call, an event, a book – brings me closer to one of these goals, it’s a “yes”. Everything else is a “no”.
Most of the world’s “opportunities” fall into that latter category. With this clarity, saying "no" to the trivial is easy. What’s more challenging is saying no to the beautiful.
Some Major Life Decisions
In my recent curation of the works of Tim Ferriss, I came across the following question:
“What can I categorically and completely remove, even temporarily, to create space for seeing the bigger picture and finding gems?”
I’ve been auditing my calendar (read: my life) to see how it stacks up to my notecard. This has led me to stop doing some things I don’t want to do, which is wonderful. Harder still, it’s led me to stop doing some things that I love doing.
To that end, I’m committing to not officiating any weddings in 2024 and 2025. I will revisit this at the end of 2025.
Here’s a few reasons why:
There are only a couple hours each day to practice creative works. These hours are spent aiming at the second item on my card, writing books that help millions of people. (lofty, yes, but I believe I’ll get there.) A good wedding ceremony requires a tremendous amount of writing and public speaking practice. In the two months or so preceding a ceremony, nearly all my creative time is spent working on that ceremony. One wedding a year requires 16% of my writing time for the year. Two weddings requires 33%. The math adds up quick.
I can’t phone it in. With the honor to lead the most important day of loved one’s lives, I’m going to bring it, leaving no room for error. This requires tremendous focus. If I’m in, I’m in – which means I’m out for everything else.
And if I did still fulfill my personal writing, while writing the ceremony, those hours will invariably be withdrawn from time spent with my wife and soon-to-be-here son. With that being at the top of my notecard, this is a trade I just cannot make.
This is one of the many things I’m saying no to so I can say yes to my notecard. It’s not easy – the weddings I have been a part of were some of the most beautiful days of my life - but it’s necessary.
When Saying “Yes” to yourself becomes saying “No” To People You Love
The hardest part about decisions like this is saying no to people you love. My experience has taught me that these conversations are more difficult in imagination than reality.
The people who don’t understand you or your decision get upset, make it personal, and will attack your character, directly or indirectly. They value their preferences over yours and will hold this decision against you. The good news: these aren’t the people on your notecard.
The people close to you, the ones who understand you, support you, and root for your success, will applaud your clarity. They don’t make you feel guilty; they celebrate your conviction. They value you and your relationship with them more than their request.
The people on your notecard honor your notecard.
There’s an old quote that rings true here:
“Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies peace…”
The Exercise
1) DEFINE: Fill out your notecard. What’s most essential? What are the “vital few” that are the greatest source of life within your life? What must be prioritized and protected amid modern chaos?
2) CREATE: Create your list of “no’s”. What are the things you have been doing, which you will no longer do, because they don’t line up with your notecard? Make premade decisions that will simplify addressing the requests of the world.
3) REVISIT: Revisit your notecard daily. Leave it somewhere you will see it. This single tool will remove stress, confusion, and laborious decision making. This card is your freedom.
And remember:
When you say "no" to all the things that are not on your notecard, you are saying "yes" to the few things which are. On a long enough timeline, that will become a life you are proud of and grateful for.
But What About Regrets?
What about all the things we’ll miss out on? Won’t I regret not officiating my friends' weddings for the next couple years (or longer)? Yes, I will. I will regret this tremendously.
But I will not regret giving my second highest priority in life – writing - my best shot.
“In life, we must choose our regrets.” – Christopher Hitchens
We will regret many things in this life. That’s how the game works. Our opportunity is to ensure we don’t regret anything on our notecard. That’s how the game is won.
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Chris Matakas is 2nd-degree BJJ blackbelt under Ricardo Almeida, founded the Matakas Jiu Jitsu Academy in 2017, and has published several best selling books about using Jiu Jitsu as a vehicle for personal development.
Due to an influx of readers reaching out for guidance during the global pandemic of 2020, Chris founded Matakas Coaching to help high achievers fulfill their potential off the mat, as well.
Chris is a Performance Coach to business owners, community leaders, and high net worth individuals. He loves the process of transformation and enjoys guiding sincere individuals to the achievement their goals.
He is a 15x author of books about personal transformation. He believes that the more we grow, the more we have to give, and that it is our moral responsibility to fulfill our potential so that we may contribute to those we serve.
Matakas BJJ has been an amazing experience for my daughter. I can't say enough about this family-oriented academy and their dedicated coaches. If want your child to learn to defend themselves, go see for yourself and sit in on a class.
Mother of 8 year old in our Youth Program
Chris is among the most knowledgeable and disciplined students that I’ve had the privilege to teach. His lessons and writings about the moral, mental, and spiritual aspect of training are nothing short of inspiring.
Ricardo Almeida
BJJ School Owner
Zach Thomas
Owner/Operator: Chic-Fil-A
Frankie Edgar
Former UFC Champion
Bill C
Appellate Services
Tommy W
Small Business Owner
Zach Thomas
Owner/Operator: Chic-Fil-A
Bill C
Appellate Services
The most successful people – in all areas of life – have a coach. We need a mentor, a guide, someone who has been there before and can save us the pain of failing and wandering without progress toward a goal.
If you are sincere in your growth and have the resources for this type of relationship, this will accelerate your progress and improve the quality of your life. Guaranteed.
Should you be selected for the program, you will begin with an introductory assessment in which Chris will take you through his “Big Four Assessment” to get a clear picture of your current status and what you would like to achieve.
After onboarding, Chris will give you your personal transformation roadmap and provide weekly support as you run the process and achieve your goal. You will connect with Chris for weekly zoom calls as well as having unlimited communication on a private channel.
We use a simple equation for this. Decide the value of achieving your goal. Put a financial number to it. “If I achieve “x” in the next 12 weeks, that would be worthy “y”.
If your goal is worth more than the investment for coaching, then it’s safe to say the investment is worth it!
Great! Chris uses his “Big Four” methodology to assess the primary areas of your life and align on your needs/desires in what matters most.
Most clients have 1 or more areas of their lives they would like to improve. Together, you and Chris will create your transformation roadmap to achieve all these goals simultaneously.
Most clients choose to continue working with Chris beyond their original agreement. Chris limits first-time clients to the initial 12-week program to ensure that we have a right fit before making a longer term coach-client relationship.
For those who are coachable and committed to progress, Chris happily continues the coaching relationship.
Between coaching, the books, and speaking, Chris has served thousands and thousands of people committed to personal development. Through years of experience, he has refined his coaching methodology to the essentials that create immediate results.
Chris’s Performance Coaching is highly effective in accelerating personal transformation.
Your Solution To Your Personal Transformation Needs
Proudly Serving High Achievers That Make The World A Better Place