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what feeds you

What Feeds You? My First Lesson From Being A Dad

March 30, 20242 min read

I was told my son would be my greatest teacher. What follows is my first lesson.

There is something primal and sacred about feeding him. Sustaining him. He sleeps. He feeds. He looks around for a few minutes. He repeats.

The machine-like sucking has an automaticity and repetition that’s hard wired. He knows how to do this. He must do this. And when too long has passed since he has, his frustrations are audible.

Then he feeds and all is well.

Our lives appear more complicated than my son’s. I don’t think they are.

What’s the thing that you must do, and having done, pacifies your anxieties for another day? What sustains you?

For me, this is writing. I cannot not write. What’s most absurd: I’m not even that good at it.

I read to warmup. I just finished some Pressfield books. This morning was Gladwell and Holiday. When I read these distant mentors, I experience two thoughts:

1) “They’re not much better than me. I can do this.”

2) “They are gods. I’ll never be able to do this.”

More often it’s the latter.

I am the white belt watching the black belt train. His movements seem unfathomable. His mastery of the craft is irrefutable. He possesses a competency that seems impossible to attain.

I’ll never be able to do that.

I remember this feeling. I was that white belt. Thousands of feedings later, however, now the white belts watch me.

What feeds you?

Maybe its Jiu Jitsu or writing or some other endeavor. Or the love of family and friends. It could be a place – the trees speak to me with more clarity than most people.

The thing that, having done, makes the day a good day, even if you don’t do it well. That’s a macronutrient. Just as necessary as protein, fat, and carbs for your survival.

You need that like my son needs milk. The world is full of starving adults who lost the bottle. Their empty eyes reveal the depth of their hunger. They fill this void with family drama, social media, and distraction.

There’s no sustenance there. Their hunger prolongs.

And this is good. It reminds us that we need to feed. The same impulse that wakes my son to feed we experience as existential frustration. It’s a call to feast.

And we are all fed by something.

It is my belief, that just as I enjoy feeding my son, so does life enjoy feeding us. We are sustained. We are provided for. The milk is just as sweet.

The only difference is that we must get our own bottles.

Thoreau put it this way:

“How prompt we are to satisfy the hunger and thirst of our bodies; how slow to satisfy the hunger and thirst of our souls!”

The parent feeds the child. The adult must feed himself.

So, what feeds you?

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Chris Matakas

Chris Matakas is a Performance Coach, 15x author, BJJ Blackbelt, and is the Founder of Matakas Jiu Jitsu and Matakas Coaching

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Chris Matakas' Story

Chris Matakas is 2nd-degree BJJ blackbelt under Ricardo Almeida, founded the Matakas Jiu Jitsu Academy in 2017, and has published several best selling books about using Jiu Jitsu as a vehicle for personal development.

Due to an influx of readers reaching out for guidance during the global pandemic of 2020, Chris founded Matakas Coaching to help high achievers fulfill their potential off the mat, as well.

Chris is a Performance Coach to business owners, community leaders, and high net worth individuals. He loves the process of transformation and enjoys guiding sincere individuals to the achievement their goals.

He is a 15x author of books about personal transformation. He believes that the more we grow, the more we have to give, and that it is our moral responsibility to fulfill our potential so that we may contribute to those we serve.

More Kind Words

Matakas BJJ has been an amazing experience for my daughter. I can't say enough about this family-oriented academy and their dedicated coaches. If want your child to learn to defend themselves, go see for yourself and sit in on a class.



Mother of 8 year old in our Youth Program

Jane Doe

Chris is among the most knowledgeable and disciplined students that I’ve had the privilege to teach. His lessons and writings about the moral, mental, and spiritual aspect of training are nothing short of inspiring.


Ricardo Almeida

BJJ School Owner

Jane Doe

Here's What Our Clients Say About Their Results With Matakas Coaching

"Because of Chris, I now have so much clarity of purpose and a better understanding of my own internal drive."


Zach Thomas

Owner/Operator: Chic-Fil-A

"..His outlook on life and especially BJJ can benefit people of all walks of life."


Frankie Edgar

Former UFC Champion

"Chris was my saving ferryman who guided me across a sea of desperation to a beautiful path towards the light. He is a beautiful soul. Because of Chris I went from being completely lost to being highly confident that I could handle the difficult problem that was presented to me.


Bill C

Appellate Services

"Working with Chris has given me more clarity in my mission in life."


Tommy W

Small Business Owner

"Because of Chris, I now have so much clarity of purpose and a better understanding of my own internal drive."


Zach Thomas

Owner/Operator: Chic-Fil-A

"Chris was my saving ferryman who guided me across a sea of desperation to a beautiful path towards the light. He is a beautiful soul. Because of Chris I went from being completely lost to being highly confident that I could handle the difficult problem that was presented to me.


Bill C

Appellate Services

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These are the common questions we get from prospective students about our program

How do I know if a Performance Coach is right for me?

The most successful people – in all areas of life – have a coach. We need a mentor, a guide, someone who has been there before and can save us the pain of failing and wandering without progress toward a goal.

If you are sincere in your growth and have the resources for this type of relationship, this will accelerate your progress and improve the quality of your life. Guaranteed.

What does the coaching relationship entail?

Should you be selected for the program, you will begin with an introductory assessment in which Chris will take you through his “Big Four Assessment” to get a clear picture of your current status and what you would like to achieve.

After onboarding, Chris will give you your personal transformation roadmap and provide weekly support as you run the process and achieve your goal. You will connect with Chris for weekly zoom calls as well as having unlimited communication on a private channel.

How do I know it’s worth the investment?

We use a simple equation for this. Decide the value of achieving your goal. Put a financial number to it. “If I achieve “x” in the next 12 weeks, that would be worthy “y”.

If your goal is worth more than the investment for coaching, then it’s safe to say the investment is worth it!

What if I have more than one goal I want to achieve?

Great! Chris uses his “Big Four” methodology to assess the primary areas of your life and align on your needs/desires in what matters most.

Most clients have 1 or more areas of their lives they would like to improve. Together, you and Chris will create your transformation roadmap to achieve all these goals simultaneously.

What if I want to work with Chris beyond the 12-week agreement?

Most clients choose to continue working with Chris beyond their original agreement. Chris limits first-time clients to the initial 12-week program to ensure that we have a right fit before making a longer term coach-client relationship.

For those who are coachable and committed to progress, Chris happily continues the coaching relationship.

How do I know the program will work?

Between coaching, the books, and speaking, Chris has served thousands and thousands of people committed to personal development. Through years of experience, he has refined his coaching methodology to the essentials that create immediate results.

Chris’s Performance Coaching is highly effective in accelerating personal transformation.

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